Team FastEddy Video Series on building a HPI 5SC SS


HPI Baja 5sc-SS Press Release


Team FastEddy Video Series – Building an HPI Baja 5SC SS


Guest post by Ed from Team FastEddy:


Lets get ready to RUMBLE!!

Team FastEddy delivers another “Knock Out Punch” for the Baja community.
Build the Baja SC SS Page by page with FastEddy showing you blow by blow how to get it done properly. Starting from The first page in the manual you will get the most comprehensive Baja build information available. If your looking at the Baja SC SS kit and not sure if you can build one, or if you are building your new kit and need some help this is the place to go. Grab either a beer or your wrenches (Or both) and and get ready for the ultimate Baja Workbench Smack Down. Dont forget to share these videos on FaceBook and Twitter with your friends.


Register to WIN an HPI Baja 5SC SS and many more prices by going HERE.


Follow on the Team FastEddy website HERE.


Follow along on and post comments and questions HERE.



Here is Video #1 Please click HERE for the complete ongoing series.






TeamChase Destruction Contest – Win a TC Roll Cage!

TeamChase Destruction Contest - Win a TC Roll Cage

TeamChase Destruction Contest – Win a TC Roll Cage for your HPI baja 5t or 5sc

Press Release from TeamChase:

Here is the contest. I would like to see your best pictures or videos of your truck crashing or the broken parts from your worst crash. I will pick the top three pictures or videos, then I will post a poll and the forum will choose the best one of the three and that will be the winner.


Winner gets a Dyeable TC cage.  Contest starts 6-2-2011 Contest ends 6-23-2011


Please go to HERE to to post up your image and WIN!



Image by Mark Hull, from Dunetoberfest 2010

LSN drives an HPI Baja 5sc with their iPhly and iPhone


iPhly iPhone remote for your r/c car or truck

The RC4WD iPhly iPhone remote for your R/C car or truck.

LSN installs it on a HPI 1/5 scale Baja 5sc

We covered this new product in a post a couple weeks ago. We asked the question. Would you drive your large scale R/C car or truck with your iPhone. Well we had to take this new innovative toy for a spin for ourselves. RC4WD sent us a sample iPhly unit along with their Transmitter and Receiver package found HERE.

For more information on the partner who developed this iPhly unit with RC4WD please go HERE.

We asked TeamChase nicely if we could use one of his HPI Baja 5sc for our test. He didn’t even flinch. The installation of the transmitter and receiver pack was super easy. And so was the installation of the iPhone app which you can download from iTunes for free.

Setup was simple as far as trimming and making simple adjustments on the remote functions. It took a total of a couple minutes from opening the packaging to being ready to test drive. Which was good because it didn’t allow Mr Chase time to change his mind. So we flipped the switches and pulled on the starter rope.

Boy was this strange operating your R/C with your iPhone, especially a $2,000+ large scale. But as you will see in the video it was not all that bad, I think if we had more room and time we could get used to it pretty quickly and do some driving at full speeds. Maybe thats something we will play with down the line.

Overall I was happy with the iPhly, it was all very simple and straight forward and the end result is it works…and works well. Will I be tossing out my Futaba remote any time soon, I dont think so. But what this does prove is the power of the iPhone or any other smart phones out there for that matter. I believe we could see more of this in the near future.

I would like to thank TeamChase for allowing us to use his truck and also RC4WD for continuing to innovate and bring new and exciting items to the world of R/C. Another successful “first” from RC4WD. Great work guys!


LSN to cover Power Jam 2011 LIVE – June 24th-26th


LSN Power Jam 2011 Live CoveragePower Jam 2011 Live Coverage from LSN

LSN has just completed its itinerary and its official that we will be traveling to the LargeScaleRC Power Jam 2011 on June 24th-26th. We will be spending two days on location in Monon IN where we will be taking images, video and doing interviews for our viewers pleasure.

This location looks amazing and we cant wait to see it in person and spend time with the team at LargeScaleRC. We also look forward to meeting our east coast readers in person so mark it on your calendar and come out to this event. Should be a BLAST!

Get all the needed information on our original event post HERE!






LSN dyes the TeamChase HPI Roll Cage

Dyeable TeamChase HPI Baja Roll Cage


TeamChase Dyeable Cage for the HPI Baja 5t & 5sc

LSN got together with TeamChase and we documented the process we used to dye their new dyeable roll cage. We brought along some dyeable RPM a-arms while we were at it. The process is very simple and the when done correctly the results are simply amazing. What a great way to personalize the look of your custom builds.


We choose a Scarlet Red for these parts and used 3 bottles of it mixed with hot water in an old ice chest. Watch the video and follow along this easy process and please post comments or questions below.

First person to email us at a picture of their dyed roll cage installed on a HPI baja 5t or 5sc wins a LSN t-shirt.



TeamChase Dyeable roll cage and RPM a-arms

Scarlet Red TeamChase roll cage and RPM a-arms

Pro MX 50 from MMR. Almost here!

MMR Pro MX 50 - Bizeta 50cc for your HPI Baja

MMR Pro MX 50 for your HPI baja.

Yep, the motor we showed you back at RCX 2011 is almost here. It was originally built as a 40cc (see video HERE) but the boys at MMR have stepped up to the 50cc Bizeta cylinder. What the heck, why not right? Check out those dyno results below, 14hp!

More images and press release below. To pre-order yours now or to watch for its availability check out the official TGN product page for this motor HERE.


Product Details

Here it is the worlds most powerfull production baja engine! “Probably”

Designed in conjunction with Dawson 2 strokes MMR have produced a monster!

This is a truely drop in replacement engine with all the power you could ever need.

The engine comes complete with exhaust,carb and ingnition system.

Only conventional 2 shoe clutch’s can be used at this time.

Technical details.

50cc normally aspirated 2 stroke engine , hand built in the UK Bore & Stroke ; 40mm x 39.2mm
Crankshaft ; Polini (minimoto)
Main bearings ; Fag 6202c4 with phonologic cages.
Crankshaft seals ; BZM racing – with low friction coating Crankcase ; Custom made from billet with reed induction
Reed valves ; Stage 6 with 8 petals
Cylinder; BZM (minimoto) 5 transfers , exhaust port with boosters , Nicasil lining
Piston ; BZM with 1mm chrome ring
Cylinder head ; Custom made from billet , with red anodise Cooling head
Ignition ; Electronic – inner rotor with cdi & custom pawls for the starter.
Starter; Pull start with auto re-winding cord.
Carburettor ; Walbro WJ105 .  17.46mm venturi.
Clutch ; Centrifugal with 2 shoes
Fuel ; Min 94 Ron unleaded gasoline with 3% oil
Exhaust ; Specially designed for this engine & hand built in the UK.

Upgrade parts ……………

BZM Factory Silver stuffed crankshaft with CNC connecting rod – stroke 39.2mm

BZM Factory Gold stuffed crankshaft with CNC connecting rod – stroke 39.8mm

Moto Tassinari V-Force 3 reed block with carbon petals.

Hand porting by Scott Finlay of MMR, “The man that created the worlds fastest Minimoto”

We reserve the right to modify specification without prior notice in the interest of product development.

MMR Pro MX 50 - Bizeta 50cc Dyno Results 14HP

MMR Pro MX 50 - 50cc 14HP Motor for you Large Scale R/C

MMR Pro MX 50 - 50cc Bizeta Cylinder for your HPI Baja 5b or 5t

The Driver Stand Podcast


The Drivers Stand R/C Podcast Covering all Scales Including 1/5

The Driver Stand Podcast – Your source for portable R/C news

Do any of you listen to podcast? Either on your iTunes or other devices? I do and I love it. With my TV watching I dont like commercials and with my radio it’s no different. I want either music or talk and thats it. So with podcasts I get just what I want, good content and minimal commercials. And what’s better than getting your R/C fix while driving to work or on that long road trip to the next race? Nothing right? If your answer is yes, then we have a choice podcast to consider.

The first episode of The Driver Stand caught my attention because it covered Large Scale, yes that’s right. The episode included Brad from 5th Scale Canada and they had a good coversation about 1/5 scale R/C and covered a new product from Killer-RC.

You can currently download 2 episodes on their SITE and we were told that episode 3 may once again include Large Scale R/C. So keep an eye out on the site and consider subscribing in iTunes by clicking HERE.


Enjoy and we hope to listen to more of these quality productions in the near future. We wish the team at The Driver Stand all the luck.