RCLS Spotlight on TGN Distributing and Exeter Hobbies

RCLS Spotlight on TGN Distributing and Exeter Hobbies

The guys over at RCLargeScale.com  have done a Spotlight on TGN Distributing and Exeter Hobbies. As most of you know LSN is owned and operated by TGN. Recently we opened a retail store within our new location in Exeter Ca. We have named the hobby store Exeter Hobbies. We have expanded our lines to planes, helicopters, boats, trains, models, toys and much more. We are also in the process of building an indoor track for 1/10 scale RC’s.

Having the retail store has done more for TGN than we ever though it would. It has not only allowed us to expand our product line but we have also learned so much about the up’s and down’s of running a retail hobby store. It has been truly enlightening and a very positive experience for TGN Industries as a whole.

If your ever in central california (Tulare County) or headed to Yosemite or Sequoias please stop by and say hello. You can get our details of our location at www.ExeterHobbies.com 


Follow the link HERE and check out some exclusive images of the TGN facility. We are in the middle of moving a lot of things around. When we moved in 6 months ago we just had to get things working for TGN no matter how it looked or worked. Now with our expanding retail store, our track and our growing distribution business we are now taking the time to really get things organized and streamlined. We hope you enjoy and we hope to meet some of you in person.



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