** UPDATED – Results Below **
Get your paddles out and your Outerwears cleaned up. Time to hit the dunes before they heat up. Below is the info on one of the countries largest baja get together you will ever be a part of. Are you going? Post in the comments if you are.
It’s that time of year again for one of the largest Baja related events to take place on this planet, Silver Lake Baja Bash 2011. Each year a record number of Baja enthusiast get together in Mears, MI at the Silver Lake Sand Dunes State Park, this year it will be taking place the weekend of June 10-12, 2011, with the main event & BBQ on Saturday the 11th.
If you’re interested in sponsoring or attending the event please contact Andrew at Scorpion at info@scorpionunlimited.com or go HERE and get more info.
Some images of last years event:

** UPDATED June 20th 2011 **
I can’t thank each of you enough for your support this year, without each of you and your companies you represent we simply would not have had this event because this year we had to follow some different rules. We had to abide by the MDNRE’s rules because of the amount of people that attend each year, this entailed purchasing a Permit from the MDNRE, Event Insurance, Construction Cones to section off our area, and Signage to name a few items. All in all, these really made the event safer and legally sound for all involved from the sponsors to the attendees to the bi-standers that stop by to see what we’re up to and this was thanks to you Sponsors.
I’ve posted the info below on our Facebook page and we’ve also posted our pictures in our Facebook Photo’s as well as on HPIbajaforum.com
What: Silver Lake Baja Bash 2011
When: June 10-12, 2011
Where: Mear’s MI, Silver Lake Sand Dunes State ORV Park
RC Model: 1/5 Scale HPI Baja’s
Not to many, ok, no other RC Car could bring a group of people out to a full size ORV park and get them to put their 1:1’s, quad’s and dirt bikes at a standstill for the day, but the HPI 1/5 Scale Baja seems to be the one that does it year after year at the Silver Lake Sand Dunes State ORV Park in Mears, MI. People started rolling in from all over the Midwest, East Coast and even the West Coast on Thursday & Friday, some crashed in hotels, rented cabins, some came with their back seats loaded with Baja gear and just enough camping gear to get by. Most setup camp at Silver Lake Resort & Campground and some went straight to the dunes to burn some fuel. We were out there during the high winds, cool temps and scattered rain showers; Mother Nature couldn’t stop this group from having an awesome time! I don’t think we could begin to count how many gallons of fuel & 2-stroke was consumed this year. After the first day was done back at camp people were able to get their Baja’s back in order from their mishaps thanks to Baja Modifiers for bringing their Parts Trailer from Pennsylvania.
Saturday morning we woke up to sprinkling rain, it cleared up enough by the time the dunes opened at 9am. As we watched the fog lift off the dunes everybody started pitching canopy’s, setting up tables and dropping their tailgates to create our Pit Lane, a few lucky people showed off their Ramtech RC Stands that were given away on HPIBajaforum.com prior to the event. It didn’t take long for people to get the itch and start firing up their Baja’s, nothing like hearing a DDM DOM Pipe firing up at 9am!! Like always people were going for big air off the top of the dunes, make-shift hill climb races and oval racing around the face of the dunes were common to see throughout the day. This event brings out some of the best Baja’s people have that they save just for the dunes, we’re talking awesome motors built by our sponsors like Team Twisted and O’Neil Brothers (OBR), it was common to see their 30.5cc engines and the talk of the event the OBR Twin putting on wheelie show’s you’d expect at a motocross event, several were there but OBR sent out Shreadhead to show his off to everyone, of course protecting all these Baja’s were one of the most necessary upgrades Outerwear’s Pre-Filters. Attendants enjoyed an awesome feast of bratwurst, hamburgers and bison burgers from Broncobill at lunch time; everyone brought a dish to pass. After lunch we put in a few more gallons then started the raffle to give away all the amazing prizes that were donated from our sponsors, there was more than enough for everyone and we even gave some parts/gift certificates away to a few people who were there with 1/8 scale and 1/10 scale that planned to purchase a Baja….we handed a controller to a few of them to push them over the edge J.
Because of the awesome parts from our sponsor’s the carnage was kept to a minimum. I remember the first year out there the pile of broken parts, smoked spur gears, broken dog bones, burnt up clutches, broken pinion bolts was insane, that seems to be a thing of the past now thanks to companies like Turtle Racing, Phatdad RC, Modified RC, TGN and Hostile Racing. Our group photo had approximately 50 Baja’s in it with another 6-8 sitting in people’s pit’s being worked on. Thank you to each and every person that came out to have fun and lend a hand. Until next time, have fun racing and bashing, I hope to catch up with all of you out at the dunes again or at another event – Andrew Koz, Scorpion Unlimited. Mark your Calendars for next year, June 8-10, 2012.